A - Variable in class jtge.util.grid.builder.AbstractHexagonBuilder
| A | |R| _ _ /\ H / \ _ | | S B | | _ \ / \/ _ | B | |H||S| ___ _ _ / \ R / \ _ A \ / \___/ _
AbstractCommand - class jtge.engine.command.AbstractCommand.
Abstracts command behaviours.
AbstractCommand() - Constructor for class jtge.engine.command.AbstractCommand
AbstractContext - class jtge.engine.data.AbstractContext.
Captures common context behaviours.
AbstractContext(String) - Constructor for class jtge.engine.data.AbstractContext
Create a context.
AbstractDirectionGroup - class jtge.util.grid.directiongroup.AbstractDirectionGroup.
Provides direction groups common behaviours.
AbstractDirectionGroup() - Constructor for class jtge.util.grid.directiongroup.AbstractDirectionGroup
Create an abstract direction group.
AbstractFlatHexagonDirectionGroup - class jtge.util.grid.directiongroup.AbstractFlatHexagonDirectionGroup.
Abstract Hexagon Direction Group for Flat Hexagon Grid.
AbstractFlatHexagonDirectionGroup() - Constructor for class jtge.util.grid.directiongroup.AbstractFlatHexagonDirectionGroup
Create an abstract flat hexagon direction group.
AbstractHandler - class jtge.engine.handler.AbstractHandler.
Captures handlers abstraction.
AbstractHandler(IConsumer) - Constructor for class jtge.engine.handler.AbstractHandler
Create a handler.
AbstractHexagonBuilder - class jtge.util.grid.builder.AbstractHexagonBuilder.
AbstractHexagonBuilder(int, boolean) - Constructor for class jtge.util.grid.builder.AbstractHexagonBuilder
Create an abstract hexagon builder.
AbstractOrder - class jtge.engine.command.AbstractOrder.
Abstracts order behaviour.
AbstractOrder(IUser) - Constructor for class jtge.engine.command.AbstractOrder
Create an order.
AbstractPeakHexagonDirectionGroup - class jtge.util.grid.directiongroup.AbstractPeakHexagonDirectionGroup.
Abstract Hexagon Direction Group for Peak Hexagon Grid.
AbstractPeakHexagonDirectionGroup() - Constructor for class jtge.util.grid.directiongroup.AbstractPeakHexagonDirectionGroup
Create an asbtract direction group for peak hexagon grids.
AbstractProducer - class jtge.engine.handler.AbstractProducer.
Captures producers abstraction.
AbstractProducer(IConsumer) - Constructor for class jtge.engine.handler.AbstractProducer
Create a producer.
AbstractResult - class jtge.engine.command.AbstractResult.
Abstracts result behaviours.
AbstractResult() - Constructor for class jtge.engine.command.AbstractResult
AbstractSquareDirectionGroup - class jtge.util.grid.directiongroup.AbstractSquareDirectionGroup.
Provides square direction groups common behaviours.
AbstractSquareDirectionGroup() - Constructor for class jtge.util.grid.directiongroup.AbstractSquareDirectionGroup
AbstractUpdate - class jtge.engine.command.AbstractUpdate.
Abstracts update behaviours.
AbstractUpdate() - Constructor for class jtge.engine.command.AbstractUpdate
AsynchronousAcceptor - class jtge.engine.io.AsynchronousAcceptor.
Wraps an acceptor to provide an asynchronous functionning.
AsynchronousAcceptor(IAcceptor) - Constructor for class jtge.engine.io.AsynchronousAcceptor
Create an asynchronous acceptor.
AsynchronousConnector - class jtge.engine.io.AsynchronousConnector.
Wraps a connector to provide an asynchronous connection.
AsynchronousConnector(IConnector) - Constructor for class jtge.engine.io.AsynchronousConnector
Create an asynchronous connector.
AsynchronousInput - class jtge.engine.io.AsynchronousInput.
Wraps an input to provide an asynchronous reading.
AsynchronousInput(IInput) - Constructor for class jtge.engine.io.AsynchronousInput
Create an asynchronous input.
add(ICommand) - Method in class jtge.engine.command.Flow
Add a command to the composite.
add(IDirection) - Method in class jtge.util.grid.directiongroup.AbstractDirectionGroup
Add a direction to the group.
adjacentIterator(Coordinate) - Method in class jtge.util.grid.Grid
Create an iterator on coordinates around a given coordinate.
adjacentIterator(Coordinate) - Method in interface jtge.util.grid.IGrid
Create an iterator on coordinates around a given coordinate.
adjacentTileIterator(Coordinate) - Method in class jtge.util.grid.Grid
Create an iterator on tiles around a given coordinate.
adjacentTileIterator(Coordinate) - Method in interface jtge.util.grid.IGrid
Create an iterator on tiles around a given coordinate.
approximate(Point) - Method in class jtge.util.grid.builder.AbstractHexagonBuilder
Retrieve an approximated coordinate from a given point.
approximate(Point) - Method in class jtge.util.grid.builder.FlatHexagonBuilder
Retrieve an approximated coordinate from a given point.
approximate(Point) - Method in class jtge.util.grid.builder.PeakHexagonBuilder
Retrieve an approximated coordinate from a given point.


B - Variable in class jtge.util.grid.builder.AbstractHexagonBuilder
| A | |R| _ _ /\ H / \ _ | | S B | | _ \ / \/ _ | B | |H||S| ___ _ _ / \ R / \ _ A \ / \___/ _
Buffer - class jtge.engine.handler.Buffer.
Provides a handler to bufferize commands.
Buffer(IConsumer) - Constructor for class jtge.engine.handler.Buffer
Create a new buffer handler.
buildHexagon() - Method in class jtge.util.grid.builder.AbstractHexagonBuilder
Build a single hexagon.
buildHexagon(Coordinate) - Method in class jtge.util.grid.builder.FlatHexagonBuilder
Build an hexagon within a map.
buildHexagon() - Method in interface jtge.util.grid.builder.IHexagonBuilder
Build a single hexagon.
buildHexagon(Coordinate) - Method in interface jtge.util.grid.builder.IHexagonBuilder
Build an hexagon within a map.
buildHexagon(Coordinate) - Method in class jtge.util.grid.builder.PeakHexagonBuilder
Build an hexagon within a map.


ChannelManager - class jtge.engine.io.ChannelManager.
Maintains a link between inputs and outputs.
ChannelManager() - Constructor for class jtge.engine.io.ChannelManager
Create a channel manager.
ChannelObserverAdapter - class jtge.engine.io.ChannelObserverAdapter.
Adapts a status observer into a channel observer.
ChannelObserverAdapter(IStatusObserver) - Constructor for class jtge.engine.io.ChannelObserverAdapter
Create a channel observer adapter.
Client - class jtge.engine.net.Client.
Implements a client.
Client(IConsumer, IInputOutputImpFactory) - Constructor for class jtge.engine.net.Client
Create a client.
ClientFactory - class jtge.engine.net.ClientFactory.
Adapts a peer factory to provide late initialization for a client.
ClientFactory(IInputOutputFactoryFactory) - Constructor for class jtge.engine.net.ClientFactory
Create a server factory.
ClientImp - class jtge.engine.net.ClientImp.
Implements the client logics.
ClientImp(IConnectionObserver, IInputOutputFactory) - Constructor for class jtge.engine.net.ClientImp
Create a controller.
CompleteTorus - class jtge.util.grid.torus.CompleteTorus.
Acts as a torus in both the vertical and horizontal directions.
CompleteTorus(int, int) - Constructor for class jtge.util.grid.torus.CompleteTorus
Create a complete torus.
Context - class jtge.engine.data.Context.
Implements a container of data.
Context() - Constructor for class jtge.engine.data.Context
Create a context.
Coordinate - class jtge.util.grid.Coordinate.
Represents a coordinate in a two dimensions space.
Coordinate() - Constructor for class jtge.util.grid.Coordinate
Create a coordinate.
Coordinate(int, int) - Constructor for class jtge.util.grid.Coordinate
Create a coordinate with the supplied x and y.
clone() - Method in class jtge.util.grid.Coordinate
close() - Method in class jtge.engine.io.AsynchronousAcceptor
Close the acceptor.

Whether this method is blocking or not depends on the implementation.

Calling this method while the acceptor is not open should not generate a failure.

close() - Method in class jtge.engine.io.AsynchronousInput
Close the input.
close() - Method in class jtge.engine.io.ChannelManager
Close all inputs and outputs.
close() - Method in interface jtge.engine.io.IAcceptor
Close the acceptor.
close() - Method in interface jtge.engine.io.IInput
Close the input.
close() - Method in interface jtge.engine.io.IInputImp
Close the input if needed.
close() - Method in interface jtge.engine.io.IOutput
Close the output.
close() - Method in interface jtge.engine.io.IOutputImp
Close the input if needed.
close() - Method in interface jtge.engine.io.ISessionManager
Close the session.
close() - Method in class jtge.engine.io.Input
Close the input.
close() - Method in class jtge.engine.io.InputStarter
Close the session.
close() - Method in class jtge.engine.io.ObjectInput
Close the input if needed.
close() - Method in class jtge.engine.io.ObjectOutput
Close the input if needed.
close() - Method in class jtge.engine.io.Output
Close the output.

This method must be callable from a thread while another one consumes the command.

close() - Method in class jtge.engine.io.OutputRegistrer
Close the session.
close() - Method in class jtge.engine.io.SessionManager
Close the session.
close() - Method in class jtge.engine.io.XStreamInput
Close the input if needed.
close() - Method in class jtge.engine.io.XStreamOutput
Close the input if needed.
close() - Method in class jtge.engine.net.ClientFactory
Perform a close operation.
close() - Method in class jtge.engine.net.ClientImp
Perform a close operation.
close() - Method in interface jtge.engine.net.IClosable
Perform a close operation.
close() - Method in class jtge.engine.net.NetworkAcceptor
Close the acceptor.

Whether this method is blocking or not depends on the implementation.

Calling this method while the acceptor is not open should not generate a failure.

close() - Method in class jtge.engine.net.Peer
Perform a close operation.
close() - Method in class jtge.engine.net.ServerFactory
Perform a close operation.
close() - Method in class jtge.engine.net.ServerImp
Perform a close operation.
closed(IInput) - Method in class jtge.engine.io.ChannelManager
Notify the closing of an input.
closed(IOutput) - Method in class jtge.engine.io.ChannelManager
Notify the closing of an output.
closed(IInput) - Method in interface jtge.engine.io.IDisconnectionObserver
Notify the closing of an input.
closed(IOutput) - Method in interface jtge.engine.io.IDisconnectionObserver
Notify the closing of an output.
closed(IInput) - Method in class jtge.engine.io.InputStarter
Notify the closing of an input.
closed(IOutput) - Method in class jtge.engine.io.InputStarter
Notify the closing of an output.
closed(IInput) - Method in class jtge.engine.io.OutputRegistrer
Notify the closing of an input.
closed(IOutput) - Method in class jtge.engine.io.OutputRegistrer
Notify the closing of an output.
closed(IInput) - Method in class jtge.engine.io.SessionManager
Notify the closing of an input.
closed(IOutput) - Method in class jtge.engine.io.SessionManager
Notify the closing of an output.
closed() - Method in interface jtge.engine.net.IServerView
Notify the server has been closed.
computeHeight(int) - Method in class jtge.util.grid.builder.FlatHexagonBuilder
Compute the height in pixels of a map consisting of given number of tiles height.
computeHeight(int) - Method in interface jtge.util.grid.builder.IHexagonBuilder
Compute the height in pixels of a map consisting of given number of tiles height.
computeHeight(int) - Method in class jtge.util.grid.builder.PeakHexagonBuilder
Compute the height in pixels of a map consisting of given number of tiles height.
computeWidth(int) - Method in class jtge.util.grid.builder.FlatHexagonBuilder
Compute the width in pixels of a map consisting of given number of tiles width.
computeWidth(int) - Method in interface jtge.util.grid.builder.IHexagonBuilder
Compute the width in pixels of a map consisting of given number of tiles width.
computeWidth(int) - Method in class jtge.util.grid.builder.PeakHexagonBuilder
Compute the width in pixels of a map consisting of given number of tiles width.
connected(IInput, IOutput) - Method in class jtge.engine.io.ChannelObserverAdapter
Notify the connection success.
connected(IInput, IOutput) - Method in interface jtge.engine.io.IChannelObserver
Notify the connection success.
connected() - Method in interface jtge.engine.io.IStatusObserver
Notify the connection success.
connected(IInput, IOutput) - Method in class jtge.engine.security.UserChannelManager
Notify the connection success.
control(Object) - Method in class jtge.util.EasyMockTestCase
Access the control object associated to a mock object.
create(InputStream) - Method in interface jtge.engine.io.IInputOutputFactory
Wrap a stream within an input.
create(OutputStream) - Method in interface jtge.engine.io.IInputOutputFactory
Wrap a stream within an output.
create(InputStream) - Method in interface jtge.engine.io.IInputOutputImpFactory
Wrap a stream within an input implementation.
create(OutputStream) - Method in interface jtge.engine.io.IInputOutputImpFactory
Wrap a stream within an output implementation.
create(InputStream) - Method in class jtge.engine.io.InputOutputFactory
Wrap a stream within an input.
create(OutputStream) - Method in class jtge.engine.io.InputOutputFactory
Wrap a stream within an output.
create(InputStream) - Method in class jtge.engine.io.ObjectInputOutputFactory
Wrap a stream within an input implementation.
create(OutputStream) - Method in class jtge.engine.io.ObjectInputOutputFactory
Wrap a stream within an output implementation.
create(InputStream) - Method in class jtge.engine.io.XStreamInputOutputFactory
Wrap a stream within an input implementation.
create(OutputStream) - Method in class jtge.engine.io.XStreamInputOutputFactory
Wrap a stream within an output implementation.
create(ISessionManager) - Method in class jtge.engine.net.ClientFactory
Create a peer.
create(IDisconnectionObserver) - Method in interface jtge.engine.net.IInputOutputFactoryFactory
Create the input-output factory.
create(ISessionManager) - Method in interface jtge.engine.net.IPeerFactory
Create a peer.
create(IDisconnectionObserver) - Method in class jtge.engine.net.InputOutputFactoryFactory
Create the input-output factory.
create(ISessionManager) - Method in class jtge.engine.net.ServerFactory
Create a peer.
create(IDisconnectionObserver) - Method in class jtge.engine.net.UserInputOutputFactoryFactory
Create the input-output factory.
create(IUser) - Method in interface jtge.engine.security.IUserHandlerFactory
Retrieve the consumer associated to a given user.
create(InputStream) - Method in class jtge.engine.security.UserInputOutputFactory
Wrap a stream within an input.
create(OutputStream) - Method in class jtge.engine.security.UserInputOutputFactory
Wrap a stream within an output.
create(IUser) - Method in class jtge.engine.security.ValidationHandlerFactory
Retrieve the consumer associated to a given user.
create(String) - Method in interface jtge.engine.user.IUserFactory
Create a new user.
createMock(Class) - Method in class jtge.util.EasyMockTestCase
Factory method to create a mock object of a given type.


Dice - class jtge.util.random.Dice.
Emulates a dice.
Dice(int, int, int) - Constructor for class jtge.util.random.Dice
Create a dice out of the number of dices, the type and the bonus value.
Dice(int, int) - Constructor for class jtge.util.random.Dice
Create a dice out of the number of dices and a type (e.g. no bonus).
Dice(String) - Constructor for class jtge.util.random.Dice
Create a dice from a textual definition.
Direction - class jtge.util.grid.direction.Direction.
Provides direction common behaviours.
Direction(String, String) - Constructor for class jtge.util.grid.direction.Direction
Create a direction.
disconnected(IInput, IOutput) - Method in class jtge.engine.io.ChannelObserverAdapter
Notify the disconnection.
disconnected(IInput, IOutput) - Method in interface jtge.engine.io.IChannelObserver
Notify the disconnection.
disconnected() - Method in interface jtge.engine.io.IStatusObserver
Notify the disconnection.
disconnected(IInput, IOutput) - Method in class jtge.engine.security.UserChannelManager
Notify the disconnection.


EAST - Static variable in class jtge.util.grid.direction.Direction
The east direction.
East - class jtge.util.grid.direction.East.
Implements the east direction.
East() - Constructor for class jtge.util.grid.direction.East
Create a north direction.
EasyMockTestCase - class jtge.util.EasyMockTestCase.
Extends a JUnit TestCase with several EasyMock related features.
EasyMockTestCase() - Constructor for class jtge.util.EasyMockTestCase
Create an easy mock test case.
EightDirectionGroup - class jtge.util.grid.directiongroup.EightDirectionGroup.
Implements a direction group for eight directions.
EightDirectionGroup() - Constructor for class jtge.util.grid.directiongroup.EightDirectionGroup
Create a direction group with eight directions.
Executor - class jtge.engine.handler.Executor.
Provides a means to execute received commands within a given context.
Executor(IContext) - Constructor for class jtge.engine.handler.Executor
Create an executor.
equals(Object) - Method in class jtge.engine.command.Flow
equals(Object) - Method in class jtge.util.grid.Coordinate
equals(Object) - Method in class jtge.util.grid.direction.Direction
even(int) - Static method in class jtge.util.grid.GridUtil
Determine if a given int is even.
execute(IContext) - Method in class jtge.engine.command.Flow
Execute the command.
execute(IContext) - Method in interface jtge.engine.command.ICommand
Execute the command.
execute(IContext) - Method in class jtge.engine.security.LoginOrder
Execute the command.
execute(IContext) - Method in class jtge.engine.security.LoginResult
Execute the command.
execute(IContext) - Method in class jtge.engine.security.LoginUpdate
Execute the command.
execute(IContext) - Method in class jtge.engine.security.LogoutResult
Execute the command.


FileInputConnector - class jtge.engine.io.FileInputConnector.
Implements a connector for reading from a file.
FileInputConnector(IInputOutputFactory, IConnectionObserver, String) - Constructor for class jtge.engine.io.FileInputConnector
Create a file input handler.
FileOutputConnector - class jtge.engine.io.FileOutputConnector.
Implements a connector for writing in a file.
FileOutputConnector(IInputOutputFactory, IConnectionObserver, String) - Constructor for class jtge.engine.io.FileOutputConnector
Create a file io outputHandler for output.
Filter - class jtge.engine.handler.Filter.
Provides a means to filter some commands out of a flow.
Filter(IConsumer, IFilter) - Constructor for class jtge.engine.handler.Filter
Create a filter handler.
FlatHexagonBuilder - class jtge.util.grid.builder.FlatHexagonBuilder.
Utiliy class used to help drawing flat hexagons.
FlatHexagonBuilder(int, boolean) - Constructor for class jtge.util.grid.builder.FlatHexagonBuilder
Create a flat hexagon builder.
FlatHexagonDirectionGroup - class jtge.util.grid.directiongroup.FlatHexagonDirectionGroup.
An HexagonDirectionGroup to be used with Flat hexagon grid.
FlatHexagonDirectionGroup() - Constructor for class jtge.util.grid.directiongroup.FlatHexagonDirectionGroup
FlatShiftedHexagonDirectionGroup - class jtge.util.grid.directiongroup.FlatShiftedHexagonDirectionGroup.
An HexagonDirectionGroup to be used with flat-shifted hexagon grid.
FlatShiftedHexagonDirectionGroup() - Constructor for class jtge.util.grid.directiongroup.FlatShiftedHexagonDirectionGroup
Flow - class jtge.engine.command.Flow.
Implements a composite of commands.
Flow() - Constructor for class jtge.engine.command.Flow
Create a command composite.
FourDirectionGroup - class jtge.util.grid.directiongroup.FourDirectionGroup.
Implements a direction group for four directions.
FourDirectionGroup() - Constructor for class jtge.util.grid.directiongroup.FourDirectionGroup
Create a direction group with four directions.
filter(IFilter) - Method in class jtge.engine.command.AbstractCommand
Filter the command.
filter(IFilter) - Method in class jtge.engine.command.Flow
Filter the command.
filter(IFilter) - Method in interface jtge.engine.command.ICommand
Filter the command.
floor(double[]) - Method in class jtge.util.grid.builder.AbstractHexagonBuilder
Floor an array of numbers.
floor(double) - Method in class jtge.util.grid.builder.AbstractHexagonBuilder
Floor a number.
forward(ICommand) - Method in class jtge.engine.handler.AbstractProducer
Send a command to the target consumer.
fromPixel(Point, IGrid) - Method in class jtge.util.grid.builder.AbstractHexagonBuilder
Picks the coordinate at a given screen coordinate in a grid.
fromPixel(Point, IGrid) - Method in interface jtge.util.grid.builder.IHexagonBuilder
Picks the coordinate at a given screen coordinate in a grid.


Grid - class jtge.util.grid.Grid.
Implements a grid.
Grid(int, int, IDirectionGroup, ITorus) - Constructor for class jtge.util.grid.Grid
Create a grid.
Grid(int, int, IDirectionGroup) - Constructor for class jtge.util.grid.Grid
Create a grid.
GridUtil - class jtge.util.grid.GridUtil.
Captures usefull primitives.
get(Object) - Method in class jtge.engine.data.Context
Retrieve a data based on its identifier.
get(Object) - Method in interface jtge.engine.data.IContext
Retrieve a data based on its identifier.
getAdjacent(Coordinate, IDirection) - Method in class jtge.util.grid.Grid
returns the adjacent Coordinate given a Coordinate center and a Direction.
Coordinate returned are always valid, an CoordinateOutOfBoundException is thrown if you asked for an impossible coordinate.
getAdjacent(Coordinate, IDirection) - Method in interface jtge.util.grid.IGrid
returns the adjacent Coordinate given a Coordinate center and a Direction.
getHeight() - Method in class jtge.util.grid.Grid
Retrieve the height.
getHeight() - Method in interface jtge.util.grid.IGrid
Retrieve the height.
getIdentifier() - Method in interface jtge.engine.data.IData
Get the data identifier.
getIdentifier() - Method in class jtge.engine.user.Player
Get the data identifier.
getName() - Method in class jtge.engine.data.AbstractContext
Get the context name.
getName() - Method in class jtge.engine.user.Player
Get name.
getName() - Method in class jtge.util.grid.direction.Direction
Retrieve the direction name.
getName() - Method in interface jtge.util.grid.direction.IDirection
Retrieve the direction name.
getNames() - Method in class jtge.util.grid.directiongroup.AbstractDirectionGroup
Retrieve a string representations of all directions.
getNames() - Method in interface jtge.util.grid.directiongroup.IDirectionGroup
Retrieve a string representations of all directions.
getSeed() - Method in class jtge.util.random.Random
Returns the current seed used by this Random object.
getShortName() - Method in class jtge.util.grid.direction.Direction
Retrieve the direction short name.
getShortName() - Method in interface jtge.util.grid.direction.IDirection
Retrieve the direction short name.
getShortNames() - Method in class jtge.util.grid.directiongroup.AbstractDirectionGroup
Retrieve a string short representations of all directions.
getShortNames() - Method in interface jtge.util.grid.directiongroup.IDirectionGroup
Retrieve a string short representations of all directions.
getTile(Coordinate) - Method in class jtge.util.grid.Grid
Retrieve the tile object at the supplied coordinate.
getTile(Coordinate) - Method in interface jtge.util.grid.IGrid
Retrieve the tile object at the supplied coordinate.
getTurn() - Method in class jtge.engine.data.AbstractContext
Get the current turn.
getUser() - Method in class jtge.engine.command.AbstractOrder
Retrieve the user issuing the order.
getWidth() - Method in class jtge.util.grid.Grid
Retrieve the width.
getWidth() - Method in interface jtge.util.grid.IGrid
Retrieve the width.
getX() - Method in class jtge.util.grid.Coordinate
Getter for the x field.
getY() - Method in class jtge.util.grid.Coordinate
Getter for the y field.


H - Variable in class jtge.util.grid.builder.AbstractHexagonBuilder
| A | |R| _ _ /\ H / \ _ | | S B | | _ \ / \/ _ | B | |H||S| ___ _ _ / \ R / \ _ A \ / \___/ _
HorizontalTorus - class jtge.util.grid.torus.HorizontalTorus.
Acts as a torus in the horizontal direction.
HorizontalTorus(int) - Constructor for class jtge.util.grid.torus.HorizontalTorus
Create a horizontal torus.
handle(ICommand) - Method in class jtge.engine.handler.Buffer
Handle a command.
handle(ICommand) - Method in class jtge.engine.handler.Executor
Handle a command.
handle(ICommand) - Method in class jtge.engine.handler.Filter
Handle a command.
handle(ICommand) - Method in interface jtge.engine.handler.IConsumer
Handle a command.
handle(ICommand) - Method in class jtge.engine.handler.Sort
Handle a command.
handle(ICommand) - Method in class jtge.engine.handler.Subject
Handle a command.
handle(ICommand) - Method in class jtge.engine.io.Output
Handle a command.
handle(ICommand) - Method in class jtge.engine.net.Peer
Handle a command.
handle(ICommand) - Method in class jtge.engine.security.LoginHandler
Handle a command.
handle(ICommand) - Method in class jtge.engine.security.ValidationHandler
Handle a command.
hasNext() - Method in class jtge.util.grid.LinearIterator
hasNext() - Method in class jtge.util.grid.LinearTileIterator
hasNext() - Method in class jtge.util.random.RandomIterator
hashCode() - Method in class jtge.engine.command.Flow
hashCode() - Method in class jtge.util.grid.Coordinate
hashCode() - Method in class jtge.util.grid.direction.Direction


IAcceptor - interface jtge.engine.io.IAcceptor.
Defines an acceptor.
IChannelObserver - interface jtge.engine.io.IChannelObserver.
Defines callbacks for channel events.
IClient - interface jtge.engine.net.IClient.
Defines a client.
IClosable - interface jtge.engine.net.IClosable.
Defines a closable component.
ICommand - interface jtge.engine.command.ICommand.
Defines a command.
IConnectionObserver - interface jtge.engine.io.IConnectionObserver.
Defines callbacks for open events.
IConnector - interface jtge.engine.io.IConnector.
Defines a connector.
IConsumer - interface jtge.engine.handler.IConsumer.
Defines a consumer.
IContext - interface jtge.engine.data.IContext.
Defines a container of data.
IData - interface jtge.engine.data.IData.
Definition a data.
IDirection - interface jtge.util.grid.direction.IDirection.
Defines direction behaviour.
IDirectionGroup - interface jtge.util.grid.directiongroup.IDirectionGroup.
Direction group definition.
IDisconnectionObserver - interface jtge.engine.io.IDisconnectionObserver.
Defines callbacks for close events.
IFilter - interface jtge.engine.command.IFilter.
Defines a hook to filter commands.
IGrid - interface jtge.util.grid.IGrid.
Abstract representation of a grid.
IHexagonBuilder - interface jtge.util.grid.builder.IHexagonBuilder.
IInput - interface jtge.engine.io.IInput.
Defines an input.
IInputImp - interface jtge.engine.io.IInputImp.
Defines an input implementation.
IInputOutputFactory - interface jtge.engine.io.IInputOutputFactory.
Defines a factory for creating inputs and outputs.
IInputOutputFactoryFactory - interface jtge.engine.net.IInputOutputFactoryFactory.
Defines a factory for input-output factories.
IInputOutputImpFactory - interface jtge.engine.io.IInputOutputImpFactory.
Defines a factory for creating input and output implementations.
ILoginCommand - interface jtge.engine.security.ILoginCommand.
Defines a command triggering a login event.
ILoginObserver - interface jtge.engine.security.ILoginObserver.
Defines notification callbacks dealing with login/logout events.
ILoginView - interface jtge.engine.security.ILoginView.
Defines user login/logout callbacks.
IOutput - interface jtge.engine.io.IOutput.
Defines an output.
IOutputImp - interface jtge.engine.io.IOutputImp.
Defines an output implementation.
IPeerFactory - interface jtge.engine.net.IPeerFactory.
Defines a factory for network peers.
IRandom - interface jtge.util.random.IRandom.
IResolver - interface jtge.engine.data.IResolver.
Defines a date identifier resolver.
ISecurityObserver - interface jtge.engine.security.ISecurityObserver.
Defines callbacks related to user commands validation.
IServer - interface jtge.engine.net.IServer.
Defines a server.
IServerView - interface jtge.engine.net.IServerView.
Defines server callbacks.
ISessionManager - interface jtge.engine.io.ISessionManager.
Defines a component providing a service from connection to disconnection.
ISorter - interface jtge.engine.command.ISorter.
Defines a sorting hook for commands.
IStatusObserver - interface jtge.engine.io.IStatusObserver.
Defines status callbacks.
ITile - interface jtge.util.grid.ITile.
Defines a tile in a grid.
ITorus - interface jtge.util.grid.torus.ITorus.
Defines a torus transformation on a grid.
IUser - interface jtge.engine.user.IUser.
User definition.
IUserFactory - interface jtge.engine.user.IUserFactory.
Defines a factory for user creation.
IUserHandlerFactory - interface jtge.engine.security.IUserHandlerFactory.
Defines a factory to retrieve the consumer associated to a given user.
IUserManager - interface jtge.engine.security.IUserManager.
Manages an association between a user and an input.
Input - class jtge.engine.io.Input.
Handles the input logics.
Input(IConsumer, IDisconnectionObserver, IInputImp) - Constructor for class jtge.engine.io.Input
Create an input.
InputOutputException - exception jtge.engine.io.InputOutputException.
Provides an io related exception.
InputOutputException(String) - Constructor for class jtge.engine.io.InputOutputException
Create an io exception.
InputOutputException(Throwable) - Constructor for class jtge.engine.io.InputOutputException
Create an io exception.
InputOutputFactory - class jtge.engine.io.InputOutputFactory.
Implements an input-output factory.
InputOutputFactory(IConsumer, IDisconnectionObserver, IInputOutputImpFactory) - Constructor for class jtge.engine.io.InputOutputFactory
Create a factory for inputs and outputs.
InputOutputFactoryFactory - class jtge.engine.net.InputOutputFactoryFactory.
Implements a factory of input-output factories.
InputOutputFactoryFactory(IConsumer, IInputOutputImpFactory) - Constructor for class jtge.engine.net.InputOutputFactoryFactory
Create an input-output factory factory.
InputStarter - class jtge.engine.io.InputStarter.
Starts an asynchronous input managing each opened input.
InputStarter() - Constructor for class jtge.engine.io.InputStarter
isClosed() - Method in class jtge.engine.io.AsynchronousInput
Check whether the input is closed or not.
isClosed() - Method in interface jtge.engine.io.IInput
Check whether the input is closed or not.
isClosed() - Method in interface jtge.engine.io.IInputImp
Check whether the input is closed or not.
isClosed() - Method in interface jtge.engine.io.IOutput
Check whether the output is closed or not.
isClosed() - Method in interface jtge.engine.io.IOutputImp
Check whether the output is closed or not.
isClosed() - Method in class jtge.engine.io.Input
Check whether the input is closed or not.
isClosed() - Method in class jtge.engine.io.ObjectInput
Check whether the input is closed or not.
isClosed() - Method in class jtge.engine.io.ObjectOutput
Check whether the output is closed or not.
isClosed() - Method in class jtge.engine.io.Output
Check whether the output is closed or not.
isClosed() - Method in class jtge.engine.io.XStreamInput
Check whether the input is closed or not.
isClosed() - Method in class jtge.engine.io.XStreamOutput
Check whether the output is closed or not.
isEmpty() - Method in class jtge.engine.command.Flow
Check whether the flow contains commands or not.
isValid(Coordinate) - Method in class jtge.util.grid.Grid
Checks if the coordinate supplied is valid for this grid.
isValid(Coordinate) - Method in interface jtge.util.grid.IGrid
Checks if the coordinate supplied is valid for this grid.
iterator() - Method in class jtge.util.grid.directiongroup.AbstractDirectionGroup
Retrieve an iterator on directions.
iterator() - Method in interface jtge.util.grid.directiongroup.IDirectionGroup
Retrieve an iterator on directions.


jtge.engine.command - package jtge.engine.command
Command package.
jtge.engine.data - package jtge.engine.data
Data package.
jtge.engine.handler - package jtge.engine.handler
Command handler package.
jtge.engine.io - package jtge.engine.io
IO package.
jtge.engine.net - package jtge.engine.net
Network package.
jtge.engine.security - package jtge.engine.security
Security package.
jtge.engine.user - package jtge.engine.user
User package.
jtge.util - package jtge.util
Miscealeanous utilies to be used with JTGE.
jtge.util.grid - package jtge.util.grid
Handling of any kind of grid system.
jtge.util.grid.builder - package jtge.util.grid.builder
Utilities classes helping to build hexagon grids.
jtge.util.grid.direction - package jtge.util.grid.direction
Describes builders used to access drawing related information.
jtge.util.grid.directiongroup - package jtge.util.grid.directiongroup
Provides various direction groups strategies.
jtge.util.grid.torus - package jtge.util.grid.torus
Torus classes.
jtge.util.random - package jtge.util.random
Utilities related to generating/manipulating pseudo-random numbers.


LinearIterator - class jtge.util.grid.LinearIterator.
Provides a linear iterator from top left to bottom right coordinate.
LinearIterator(IGrid) - Constructor for class jtge.util.grid.LinearIterator
Create a linear coordinate iterator.
LinearIterator(IGrid, Coordinate) - Constructor for class jtge.util.grid.LinearIterator
Create a linear tile iterator starting from a given coordinate.
LinearTileIterator - class jtge.util.grid.LinearTileIterator.
Provides a linear iterator from the top left to the bottom right tile.
LinearTileIterator(IGrid) - Constructor for class jtge.util.grid.LinearTileIterator
Create a linear tile iterator.
LinearTileIterator(IGrid, Coordinate) - Constructor for class jtge.util.grid.LinearTileIterator
Create a linear tile iterator starting a the given coordinate.
LoginHandler - class jtge.engine.security.LoginHandler.
Implements a security handler to handle login commands and logout events for a given input.
LoginHandler(IInput, IUserManager, IUserHandlerFactory) - Constructor for class jtge.engine.security.LoginHandler
Create a login handler.
LoginObserver - class jtge.engine.security.LoginObserver.
Adapts user login/logout notifications.
LoginObserver(IConsumer) - Constructor for class jtge.engine.security.LoginObserver
Create a login context.
LoginOrder - class jtge.engine.security.LoginOrder.
Implements a login order.
LoginOrder(IUser) - Constructor for class jtge.engine.security.LoginOrder
Create a login order.
LoginResult - class jtge.engine.security.LoginResult.
Implements a login result.
LoginResult(IUser) - Constructor for class jtge.engine.security.LoginResult
Create a login result.
LoginUpdate - class jtge.engine.security.LoginUpdate.
Implements a login update.
LoginUpdate(Collection) - Constructor for class jtge.engine.security.LoginUpdate
Create a login update.
LogoutResult - class jtge.engine.security.LogoutResult.
Implements a logout result.
LogoutResult(IUser) - Constructor for class jtge.engine.security.LogoutResult
Create a logout result.
lessThan(ICommand, ICommand) - Method in interface jtge.engine.command.ISorter
Tests command ordering.
linearIterator() - Method in class jtge.util.grid.Grid
Create an iterator on coordinates from the top left to the bottom right coordinate.
linearIterator() - Method in interface jtge.util.grid.IGrid
Create an iterator on coordinates from the top left to the bottom right coordinate.
linearTileIterator() - Method in class jtge.util.grid.Grid
Create an iterator on tiles from the top left to the bottom right coordinate.
linearTileIterator() - Method in interface jtge.util.grid.IGrid
Create an iterator on tiles from the top left to the bottom right coordinate.
login(IUser, IConsumer) - Method in interface jtge.engine.security.ILoginObserver
Notify a user logging in.
login(IUser) - Method in interface jtge.engine.security.ILoginView
Notify a user logging in.
login(IUser) - Method in class jtge.engine.security.LoginHandler
Notify a user logging in.
login(IUser, IConsumer) - Method in class jtge.engine.security.LoginObserver
Notify a user logging in.
logout(IUser) - Method in interface jtge.engine.security.ILoginObserver
Notify a user logging out.
logout(IUser) - Method in interface jtge.engine.security.ILoginView
Notify a user logging out.
logout(IUser) - Method in class jtge.engine.security.LoginHandler
Notify a user logging out.
logout(IUser) - Method in class jtge.engine.security.LoginObserver
Notify a user logging out.


matches(Object[], Object[]) - Method in class jtge.util.NonNullMatcher


NORTH - Static variable in class jtge.util.grid.direction.Direction
The north direction.
NORTH_EAST - Static variable in class jtge.util.grid.direction.Direction
The north east direction.
NORTH_WEST - Static variable in class jtge.util.grid.direction.Direction
The north west direction.
NetworkAcceptor - class jtge.engine.net.NetworkAcceptor.
Implements a network acceptor.
NetworkAcceptor(IInputOutputFactory, IConnectionObserver, int) - Constructor for class jtge.engine.net.NetworkAcceptor
Create a network acceptor.
NetworkConnector - class jtge.engine.net.NetworkConnector.
Implements a network connector.
NetworkConnector(IInputOutputFactory, IConnectionObserver, String, int) - Constructor for class jtge.engine.net.NetworkConnector
Create a network connector.
NonNullMatcher - class jtge.util.NonNullMatcher.
Provides a matcher validating non-null actual argument.
NonNullMatcher() - Constructor for class jtge.util.NonNullMatcher
North - class jtge.util.grid.direction.North.
Implements the north direction.
North() - Constructor for class jtge.util.grid.direction.North
Create a north direction.
NorthEast - class jtge.util.grid.direction.NorthEast.
Implements the north east direction.
NorthEast() - Constructor for class jtge.util.grid.direction.NorthEast
Create a north direction.
NorthWest - class jtge.util.grid.direction.NorthWest.
Implements the north west direction.
NorthWest() - Constructor for class jtge.util.grid.direction.NorthWest
Create a north direction.
NullTorus - class jtge.util.grid.torus.NullTorus.
Acts as a no-op torus.
NullTorus() - Constructor for class jtge.util.grid.torus.NullTorus
next() - Method in class jtge.util.grid.LinearIterator
next() - Method in class jtge.util.grid.LinearTileIterator
next() - Method in class jtge.util.random.RandomIterator
nextFloat(float) - Method in interface jtge.util.random.IRandom
Returns a float (float) between 0.0 and maxVal-1.
nextFloat(float) - Method in class jtge.util.random.Random
Returns a float in the range [0.0, maxVal[.
nextInt(int) - Method in interface jtge.util.random.IRandom
Returns an integer (int) between 0 and maxVal-1.
nextTurn() - Method in class jtge.engine.data.AbstractContext
Increments the current turn.


ORIGIN - Static variable in class jtge.util.grid.Coordinate
The origin of the coordinate system.
ObjectInput - class jtge.engine.io.ObjectInput.
Provides an input implementation based on object serialization.
ObjectInput(InputStream) - Constructor for class jtge.engine.io.ObjectInput
Create an input.
ObjectInputOutputFactory - class jtge.engine.io.ObjectInputOutputFactory.
Implements an input-output implementation factory based on object serialization.
ObjectInputOutputFactory() - Constructor for class jtge.engine.io.ObjectInputOutputFactory
ObjectOutput - class jtge.engine.io.ObjectOutput.
Implements an output implementation based on object serialization.
ObjectOutput(OutputStream) - Constructor for class jtge.engine.io.ObjectOutput
Create an output.
OutOfBoundException - exception jtge.util.grid.OutOfBoundException.
Exception denoting that a coordinate is out of the bound of a grid.
OutOfBoundException(String) - Constructor for class jtge.util.grid.OutOfBoundException
Create a CoordinateOutOfBoundException.
OutOfBoundException(Coordinate) - Constructor for class jtge.util.grid.OutOfBoundException
Create a CoordinateOutOfBoundException.
Output - class jtge.engine.io.Output.
Handles the output logics.
Output(IDisconnectionObserver, IOutputImp) - Constructor for class jtge.engine.io.Output
Create an output.
OutputRegistrer - class jtge.engine.io.OutputRegistrer.
Registers and unregisters outputs into the given subject.
OutputRegistrer(Subject) - Constructor for class jtge.engine.io.OutputRegistrer
Create an input/output manager.
odd(int) - Static method in class jtge.util.grid.GridUtil
Determine if a given int is odd.
onClose() - Method in class jtge.engine.net.Client
Perform custom close.
onClose() - Method in class jtge.engine.net.Peer
Perform custom close.
onClose() - Method in class jtge.engine.net.Server
Perform custom close.
open() - Method in class jtge.engine.io.AsynchronousAcceptor
Open the acceptor and accept connections.

Whether this method is blocking or not depends on the implementation.

open() - Method in class jtge.engine.io.AsynchronousConnector
Open the connector.

Whether this method is blocking or not depends on the implementation.

open() - Method in class jtge.engine.io.FileInputConnector
Open the connector.

Whether this method is blocking or not depends on the implementation.

open() - Method in class jtge.engine.io.FileOutputConnector
Open the connector.

Whether this method is blocking or not depends on the implementation.

open() - Method in interface jtge.engine.io.IAcceptor
Open the acceptor and accept connections.
open() - Method in interface jtge.engine.io.IConnector
Open the connector.
open(String, int) - Method in class jtge.engine.net.Client
Connect the client to a server.
open(String, int) - Method in class jtge.engine.net.ClientFactory
Connect the client to a server.
open(String, int) - Method in class jtge.engine.net.ClientImp
Connect the client to a server.
open(String, int) - Method in interface jtge.engine.net.IClient
Connect the client to a server.
open(int) - Method in interface jtge.engine.net.IServer
Open the server listening on a given port.
open() - Method in class jtge.engine.net.NetworkAcceptor
Open the acceptor and accept connections.

Whether this method is blocking or not depends on the implementation.

open() - Method in class jtge.engine.net.NetworkConnector
Open the connector.

Whether this method is blocking or not depends on the implementation.

open(int) - Method in class jtge.engine.net.Server
Open the server listening on a given port.
open(int) - Method in class jtge.engine.net.ServerFactory
Open the server listening on a given port.
open(int) - Method in class jtge.engine.net.ServerImp
Open the server listening on a given port.
opened(IInput, IOutput) - Method in class jtge.engine.io.ChannelManager
Notify the opening of an input and/or output.
opened(IInput, IOutput) - Method in interface jtge.engine.io.IConnectionObserver
Notify the opening of an input and/or output.
opened(IInput, IOutput) - Method in class jtge.engine.io.InputStarter
Notify the opening of an input and/or output.
opened(IInput, IOutput) - Method in class jtge.engine.io.OutputRegistrer
Notify the opening of an input and/or output.
opened(IInput, IOutput) - Method in class jtge.engine.io.SessionManager
Notify the opening of an input and/or output.
opened() - Method in interface jtge.engine.net.IServerView
Notify the server has been opened.


PeakHexagonBuilder - class jtge.util.grid.builder.PeakHexagonBuilder.
Utiliy class used to help drawing peak hexagons.
PeakHexagonBuilder(int, boolean) - Constructor for class jtge.util.grid.builder.PeakHexagonBuilder
Create a peak hexagon builder.
PeakHexagonDirectionGroup - class jtge.util.grid.directiongroup.PeakHexagonDirectionGroup.
An HexagonDirectionGroup to be used with peak hexagon grid.
PeakHexagonDirectionGroup() - Constructor for class jtge.util.grid.directiongroup.PeakHexagonDirectionGroup
PeakShiftedHexagonDirectionGroup - class jtge.util.grid.directiongroup.PeakShiftedHexagonDirectionGroup.
An HexagonDirectionGroup to be used with peak-shifted hexagon grid.
PeakShiftedHexagonDirectionGroup() - Constructor for class jtge.util.grid.directiongroup.PeakShiftedHexagonDirectionGroup
Peer - class jtge.engine.net.Peer.
Captures client and server common behaviours.
Peer(IPeerFactory) - Constructor for class jtge.engine.net.Peer
Create an abstract peer.
Player - class jtge.engine.user.Player.
Implements a player.
Player(String) - Constructor for class jtge.engine.user.Player
Create a Player.
put(Object, Object) - Method in class jtge.engine.data.Context
Add a data to the context.
put(Object, Object) - Method in interface jtge.engine.data.IContext
Add a data to the context.


R - Variable in class jtge.util.grid.builder.AbstractHexagonBuilder
| A | |R| _ _ /\ H / \ _ | | S B | | _ \ / \/ _ | B | |H||S| ___ _ _ / \ R / \ _ A \ / \___/ _
Random - class jtge.util.random.Random.
An instance of this class is used to generate a stream of pseudorandom numbers.
Random() - Constructor for class jtge.util.random.Random
Builds a default Random Object.
Random(long) - Constructor for class jtge.util.random.Random
RandomIterator - class jtge.util.random.RandomIterator.
Wraps an iterator to provide randomization of its elements.
RandomIterator(IRandom, Iterator) - Constructor for class jtge.util.random.RandomIterator
Create a random iterator over a list.
Resolver - class jtge.engine.data.Resolver.
Implements a data identifier resolver.
Resolver() - Constructor for class jtge.engine.data.Resolver
Create a resolver.
ReverseFilter - class jtge.engine.command.ReverseFilter.
Provides a proxy to reverse a filter.
ReverseFilter(IFilter) - Constructor for class jtge.engine.command.ReverseFilter
Create a filter reversing another filter.
read() - Method in class jtge.engine.io.AsynchronousInput
Read commands.
read() - Method in interface jtge.engine.io.IInput
Read commands.
read() - Method in interface jtge.engine.io.IInputImp
Read one command.
read() - Method in class jtge.engine.io.Input
Read commands.
read() - Method in class jtge.engine.io.ObjectInput
Read one command.

This method should block until the reading is done.
The input must be closed when the method returns null.

read() - Method in class jtge.engine.io.XStreamInput
Read one command.

This method should block until the reading is done.
The input must be closed when the method returns null.

register(Object) - Method in class jtge.engine.data.Context
Register a callback.

Any update( Type data ) method of this object will be called when the type of its data argument is compatible with the type of a data set by calling the set() method.

register(Object) - Method in interface jtge.engine.data.IContext
Register a callback.
register(IData) - Method in interface jtge.engine.data.IResolver
Register a data.
register(IData) - Method in class jtge.engine.data.Resolver
Register a new data.
register(IConsumer) - Method in class jtge.engine.handler.Subject
Register an observer.
register(IChannelObserver) - Method in class jtge.engine.io.ChannelManager
Register a channel observer.
register(IStatusObserver) - Method in class jtge.engine.io.ChannelManager
Register a status observer.
register(ISessionManager) - Method in class jtge.engine.io.SessionManager
Register a session manager.
register(IConsumer) - Method in class jtge.engine.net.Peer
Hook a consumer to receive commands sent to the peer.
register(IChannelObserver) - Method in class jtge.engine.net.Peer
Register a channel observer.
register(IStatusObserver) - Method in class jtge.engine.net.Peer
Register a status observer.
register(IServerView) - Method in class jtge.engine.net.Server
Register a view to receive server events.
register(IInput, IUser) - Method in interface jtge.engine.security.IUserManager
Register an input-user association.
register(ILoginView) - Method in class jtge.engine.security.LoginObserver
Register a view to receive login events.
register(ILoginObserver) - Method in class jtge.engine.security.UserChannelManager
Register a login observer.
register(IInput, IUser) - Method in class jtge.engine.security.UserChannelManager
Register an input-user association.
release() - Method in class jtge.engine.handler.Buffer
Forward the bufferized resulting command to the target consumer.
remove() - Method in class jtge.util.grid.LinearIterator
remove() - Method in class jtge.util.grid.LinearTileIterator
remove() - Method in class jtge.util.random.RandomIterator
replay() - Method in class jtge.util.EasyMockTestCase
Set all mock objects to replay mode.
reset() - Method in class jtge.util.EasyMockTestCase
Reset all mock objects expectations.
resolve(String) - Method in interface jtge.engine.data.IResolver
Retrieve a data based on its identifier.
resolve(String) - Method in class jtge.engine.data.Resolver
Retrieve a data based on its identifier.
roll() - Method in class jtge.util.random.Dice
Roll the dice.
run() - Method in class jtge.engine.io.AsynchronousAcceptor
run() - Method in class jtge.engine.io.AsynchronousConnector
run() - Method in class jtge.engine.io.AsynchronousInput
runBare() - Method in class jtge.util.EasyMockTestCase


S - Variable in class jtge.util.grid.builder.AbstractHexagonBuilder
| A | |R| _ _ /\ H / \ _ | | S B | | _ \ / \/ _ | B | |H||S| ___ _ _ / \ R / \ _ A \ / \___/ _
SOUTH - Static variable in class jtge.util.grid.direction.Direction
The south direction.
SOUTH_EAST - Static variable in class jtge.util.grid.direction.Direction
The south east direction.
SOUTH_WEST - Static variable in class jtge.util.grid.direction.Direction
The south west direction.
Server - class jtge.engine.net.Server.
Implements a server.
Server(IConsumer, IInputOutputImpFactory) - Constructor for class jtge.engine.net.Server
Create a server.
Server(IConsumer, IInputOutputImpFactory, IUserManager) - Constructor for class jtge.engine.net.Server
Create a server requiring user identification.
ServerFactory - class jtge.engine.net.ServerFactory.
Adapts a peer factory to provide late initialization for a server.
ServerFactory(IInputOutputFactoryFactory) - Constructor for class jtge.engine.net.ServerFactory
Create a server factory.
ServerImp - class jtge.engine.net.ServerImp.
Implements the server logics.
ServerImp(IConnectionObserver, IInputOutputFactory) - Constructor for class jtge.engine.net.ServerImp
Create a controller.
SessionManager - class jtge.engine.io.SessionManager.
Implements a composite of session managers.
SessionManager() - Constructor for class jtge.engine.io.SessionManager
Create a session manager.
Sort - class jtge.engine.handler.Sort.
Provides a means to sort received commands.
Sort(IConsumer, ISorter) - Constructor for class jtge.engine.handler.Sort
Create a sort handler.
South - class jtge.util.grid.direction.South.
Implements the south direction.
South() - Constructor for class jtge.util.grid.direction.South
Create a north direction.
SouthEast - class jtge.util.grid.direction.SouthEast.
Implements the south east direction.
SouthEast() - Constructor for class jtge.util.grid.direction.SouthEast
Create a north direction.
SouthWest - class jtge.util.grid.direction.SouthWest.
Implements the south west direction.
SouthWest() - Constructor for class jtge.util.grid.direction.SouthWest
Create a north direction.
Subject - class jtge.engine.handler.Subject.
Provides a means to broadcast received commands to several consumers.
Subject() - Constructor for class jtge.engine.handler.Subject
Create a subject.
setSeed(long) - Method in class jtge.util.random.Random
setTile(ITile, Coordinate) - Method in class jtge.util.grid.Grid
Assign the supplied tile to this grid.

If a tile is already present at coordinate() for the current grid it gets replaced.

setTile(ITile, Coordinate) - Method in interface jtge.util.grid.IGrid
Assign the supplied tile to this grid.
setX(int) - Method in class jtge.util.grid.Coordinate
Setter for the x field.
setY(int) - Method in class jtge.util.grid.Coordinate
Setter for the y field.
shift(Coordinate) - Method in class jtge.util.grid.directiongroup.AbstractFlatHexagonDirectionGroup
Test if a given coordinate must be shifted.
shift(Coordinate) - Method in class jtge.util.grid.directiongroup.AbstractPeakHexagonDirectionGroup
Test if a given coordinate must be shifted.
shift(Coordinate) - Method in class jtge.util.grid.directiongroup.FlatHexagonDirectionGroup
Test if a given coordinate must be shifted.
shift(Coordinate) - Method in class jtge.util.grid.directiongroup.FlatShiftedHexagonDirectionGroup
Test if a given coordinate must be shifted.
shift(Coordinate) - Method in class jtge.util.grid.directiongroup.PeakHexagonDirectionGroup
Test if a given coordinate must be shifted.
shift(Coordinate) - Method in class jtge.util.grid.directiongroup.PeakShiftedHexagonDirectionGroup
Test if a given coordinate must be shifted.
shifted - Variable in class jtge.util.grid.builder.AbstractHexagonBuilder
Whether the map is shifted or not.
size() - Method in class jtge.util.grid.Grid
Retrieve the maximum number of tiles this hexGrid can hold.
size() - Method in interface jtge.util.grid.IGrid
Retrieve the maximum number of tiles this hexGrid can hold.
sort(ISorter) - Method in class jtge.engine.command.AbstractCommand
Sort the command.
sort(ISorter) - Method in class jtge.engine.command.Flow
Sort the command.
sort(ISorter) - Method in interface jtge.engine.command.ICommand
Sort the command.


TypeFilter - class jtge.engine.command.TypeFilter.
Provides a filter based on the type of commands.
TypeFilter(Class) - Constructor for class jtge.engine.command.TypeFilter
Create a new Type filter.
toString() - Method in class jtge.util.grid.Coordinate
toString() - Method in class jtge.util.grid.direction.Direction
toString() - Method in class jtge.util.random.Dice
transform(Coordinate, IDirectionGroup) - Method in class jtge.util.grid.direction.East
Follow the direction from a given coordinate.
transform(Coordinate) - Method in class jtge.util.grid.direction.East
Transforms a coordinate according to the general contract of the direction.
transform(Coordinate, IDirectionGroup) - Method in interface jtge.util.grid.direction.IDirection
Follow the direction from a given coordinate.
transform(Coordinate, IDirectionGroup) - Method in class jtge.util.grid.direction.North
Follow the direction from a given coordinate.
transform(Coordinate) - Method in class jtge.util.grid.direction.North
Transforms a coordinate according to the general contract of the direction.
transform(Coordinate, IDirectionGroup) - Method in class jtge.util.grid.direction.NorthEast
Follow the direction from a given coordinate.
transform(Coordinate) - Method in class jtge.util.grid.direction.NorthEast
Transforms a coordinate according to the general contract of the direction.
transform(Coordinate, IDirectionGroup) - Method in class jtge.util.grid.direction.NorthWest
Follow the direction from a given coordinate.
transform(Coordinate) - Method in class jtge.util.grid.direction.NorthWest
Transforms a coordinate according to the general contract of the direction.
transform(Coordinate, IDirectionGroup) - Method in class jtge.util.grid.direction.South
Follow the direction from a given coordinate.
transform(Coordinate) - Method in class jtge.util.grid.direction.South
Transforms a coordinate according to the general contract of the direction.
transform(Coordinate, IDirectionGroup) - Method in class jtge.util.grid.direction.SouthEast
Follow the direction from a given coordinate.
transform(Coordinate) - Method in class jtge.util.grid.direction.SouthEast
Transforms a coordinate according to the general contract of the direction.
transform(Coordinate, IDirectionGroup) - Method in class jtge.util.grid.direction.SouthWest
Follow the direction from a given coordinate.
transform(Coordinate) - Method in class jtge.util.grid.direction.SouthWest
Transforms a coordinate according to the general contract of the direction.
transform(Coordinate, IDirectionGroup) - Method in class jtge.util.grid.direction.West
Follow the direction from a given coordinate.
transform(Coordinate) - Method in class jtge.util.grid.direction.West
Transforms a coordinate according to the general contract of the direction.
transform(Coordinate, NorthEast) - Method in class jtge.util.grid.directiongroup.AbstractFlatHexagonDirectionGroup
Retrieve the coordinate next to another in a given direction.
transform(Coordinate, NorthWest) - Method in class jtge.util.grid.directiongroup.AbstractFlatHexagonDirectionGroup
Retrieve the coordinate next to another in a given direction.
transform(Coordinate, SouthEast) - Method in class jtge.util.grid.directiongroup.AbstractFlatHexagonDirectionGroup
Retrieve the coordinate next to another in a given direction.
transform(Coordinate, SouthWest) - Method in class jtge.util.grid.directiongroup.AbstractFlatHexagonDirectionGroup
Retrieve the coordinate next to another in a given direction.
transform(Coordinate, North) - Method in class jtge.util.grid.directiongroup.AbstractFlatHexagonDirectionGroup
Retrieve the coordinate next to another in a given direction.
transform(Coordinate, South) - Method in class jtge.util.grid.directiongroup.AbstractFlatHexagonDirectionGroup
Retrieve the coordinate next to another in a given direction.
transform(Coordinate, West) - Method in class jtge.util.grid.directiongroup.AbstractFlatHexagonDirectionGroup
Retrieve the coordinate next to another in a given direction.
transform(Coordinate, East) - Method in class jtge.util.grid.directiongroup.AbstractFlatHexagonDirectionGroup
Retrieve the coordinate next to another in a given direction.
transform(Coordinate, NorthEast) - Method in class jtge.util.grid.directiongroup.AbstractPeakHexagonDirectionGroup
Retrieve the coordinate next to another in a given direction.
transform(Coordinate, NorthWest) - Method in class jtge.util.grid.directiongroup.AbstractPeakHexagonDirectionGroup
Retrieve the coordinate next to another in a given direction.
transform(Coordinate, SouthEast) - Method in class jtge.util.grid.directiongroup.AbstractPeakHexagonDirectionGroup
Retrieve the coordinate next to another in a given direction.
transform(Coordinate, SouthWest) - Method in class jtge.util.grid.directiongroup.AbstractPeakHexagonDirectionGroup
Retrieve the coordinate next to another in a given direction.
transform(Coordinate, North) - Method in class jtge.util.grid.directiongroup.AbstractPeakHexagonDirectionGroup
Retrieve the coordinate next to another in a given direction.
transform(Coordinate, South) - Method in class jtge.util.grid.directiongroup.AbstractPeakHexagonDirectionGroup
Retrieve the coordinate next to another in a given direction.
transform(Coordinate, West) - Method in class jtge.util.grid.directiongroup.AbstractPeakHexagonDirectionGroup
Retrieve the coordinate next to another in a given direction.
transform(Coordinate, East) - Method in class jtge.util.grid.directiongroup.AbstractPeakHexagonDirectionGroup
Retrieve the coordinate next to another in a given direction.
transform(Coordinate, West) - Method in class jtge.util.grid.directiongroup.AbstractSquareDirectionGroup
Retrieve the coordinate next to another in a given direction.
transform(Coordinate, East) - Method in class jtge.util.grid.directiongroup.AbstractSquareDirectionGroup
Retrieve the coordinate next to another in a given direction.
transform(Coordinate, North) - Method in class jtge.util.grid.directiongroup.AbstractSquareDirectionGroup
Retrieve the coordinate next to another in a given direction.
transform(Coordinate, South) - Method in class jtge.util.grid.directiongroup.AbstractSquareDirectionGroup
Retrieve the coordinate next to another in a given direction.
transform(Coordinate, NorthEast) - Method in class jtge.util.grid.directiongroup.EightDirectionGroup
Retrieve the coordinate next to another in a given direction.
transform(Coordinate, NorthWest) - Method in class jtge.util.grid.directiongroup.EightDirectionGroup
Retrieve the coordinate next to another in a given direction.
transform(Coordinate, SouthEast) - Method in class jtge.util.grid.directiongroup.EightDirectionGroup
Retrieve the coordinate next to another in a given direction.
transform(Coordinate, SouthWest) - Method in class jtge.util.grid.directiongroup.EightDirectionGroup
Retrieve the coordinate next to another in a given direction.
transform(Coordinate, NorthEast) - Method in class jtge.util.grid.directiongroup.FourDirectionGroup
Retrieve the coordinate next to another in a given direction.
transform(Coordinate, NorthWest) - Method in class jtge.util.grid.directiongroup.FourDirectionGroup
Retrieve the coordinate next to another in a given direction.
transform(Coordinate, SouthEast) - Method in class jtge.util.grid.directiongroup.FourDirectionGroup
Retrieve the coordinate next to another in a given direction.
transform(Coordinate, SouthWest) - Method in class jtge.util.grid.directiongroup.FourDirectionGroup
Retrieve the coordinate next to another in a given direction.
transform(Coordinate, West) - Method in interface jtge.util.grid.directiongroup.IDirectionGroup
Retrieve the coordinate next to another in a given direction.
transform(Coordinate, East) - Method in interface jtge.util.grid.directiongroup.IDirectionGroup
Retrieve the coordinate next to another in a given direction.
transform(Coordinate, North) - Method in interface jtge.util.grid.directiongroup.IDirectionGroup
Retrieve the coordinate next to another in a given direction.
transform(Coordinate, NorthEast) - Method in interface jtge.util.grid.directiongroup.IDirectionGroup
Retrieve the coordinate next to another in a given direction.
transform(Coordinate, NorthWest) - Method in interface jtge.util.grid.directiongroup.IDirectionGroup
Retrieve the coordinate next to another in a given direction.
transform(Coordinate, South) - Method in interface jtge.util.grid.directiongroup.IDirectionGroup
Retrieve the coordinate next to another in a given direction.
transform(Coordinate, SouthEast) - Method in interface jtge.util.grid.directiongroup.IDirectionGroup
Retrieve the coordinate next to another in a given direction.
transform(Coordinate, SouthWest) - Method in interface jtge.util.grid.directiongroup.IDirectionGroup
Retrieve the coordinate next to another in a given direction.
transform(Coordinate) - Method in class jtge.util.grid.torus.CompleteTorus
Modifiy the coordinate according to the Torus implementation.
transform(Coordinate) - Method in class jtge.util.grid.torus.HorizontalTorus
Modifiy the coordinate according to the Torus implementation.
transform(Coordinate) - Method in interface jtge.util.grid.torus.ITorus
Modifiy the coordinate according to the Torus implementation.
transform(Coordinate) - Method in class jtge.util.grid.torus.NullTorus
Modifiy the coordinate according to the Torus implementation.
transform(Coordinate) - Method in class jtge.util.grid.torus.VerticalTorus
Modifiy the coordinate according to the Torus implementation.
turnEnded() - Method in class jtge.engine.data.AbstractContext
Turn end event.
turnStarted() - Method in class jtge.engine.data.AbstractContext
Turn start event.


UserChannelManager - class jtge.engine.security.UserChannelManager.
Maintains an association between a channel and a user.
UserChannelManager() - Constructor for class jtge.engine.security.UserChannelManager
Create a user channel manager.
UserInputOutputFactory - class jtge.engine.security.UserInputOutputFactory.
Provides an input-output factory dealing with user identification.
UserInputOutputFactory(IConsumer, IDisconnectionObserver, IUserManager, IInputOutputImpFactory) - Constructor for class jtge.engine.security.UserInputOutputFactory
Create an input/output factory.
UserInputOutputFactoryFactory - class jtge.engine.net.UserInputOutputFactoryFactory.
Implements a factory of user input-output factories.
UserInputOutputFactoryFactory(IConsumer, IInputOutputImpFactory, IUserManager) - Constructor for class jtge.engine.net.UserInputOutputFactoryFactory
Create a user input-output factory factory.
unregister(IData) - Method in class jtge.engine.data.Resolver
Unregister a data.
unregister(IConsumer) - Method in class jtge.engine.handler.Subject
Unregister an observer.
unregister(IUser) - Method in interface jtge.engine.security.IUserManager
Unregister a user.
unregister(IUser) - Method in class jtge.engine.security.UserChannelManager
Unregister a user.
userMismatch(IUser, ICommand) - Method in interface jtge.engine.security.ISecurityObserver
A user has not the right to issue a command.


ValidationHandler - class jtge.engine.security.ValidationHandler.
Implements a handler to filter out invalid commands.
ValidationHandler(IConsumer, IUser, ISecurityObserver) - Constructor for class jtge.engine.security.ValidationHandler
Create a validation handler.
ValidationHandler(IConsumer, IUser) - Constructor for class jtge.engine.security.ValidationHandler
Create a validation handler.
ValidationHandlerFactory - class jtge.engine.security.ValidationHandlerFactory.
Implements a factory wrapping a consumer with a validation handler.
ValidationHandlerFactory(IConsumer) - Constructor for class jtge.engine.security.ValidationHandlerFactory
Create a user handler factory.
VerticalTorus - class jtge.util.grid.torus.VerticalTorus.
Acts as a torus in the vertical direction.
VerticalTorus(int) - Constructor for class jtge.util.grid.torus.VerticalTorus
Create a vertical torus.
validate(IUser) - Method in class jtge.engine.command.AbstractCommand
Test user right.
validate(IUser) - Method in class jtge.engine.command.AbstractOrder
Test user right.
validate(IUser) - Method in class jtge.engine.command.Flow
Test user right.
validate(IUser) - Method in interface jtge.engine.command.ICommand
Test user right.
validate(ICommand) - Method in interface jtge.engine.command.IFilter
Indicates whether a command must be filtered or not.
validate(ICommand) - Method in class jtge.engine.command.ReverseFilter
Indicates whether a command must be filtered or not.
validate(ICommand) - Method in class jtge.engine.command.TypeFilter
Indicates whether a command must be filtered or not.
verify() - Method in class jtge.util.EasyMockTestCase
Verify all mock objects expectations.


WEST - Static variable in class jtge.util.grid.direction.Direction
The west direction.
West - class jtge.util.grid.direction.West.
Implements the west direction.
West() - Constructor for class jtge.util.grid.direction.West
Create a north direction.
write(ICommand) - Method in interface jtge.engine.io.IOutputImp
Write one command.
write(ICommand) - Method in class jtge.engine.io.ObjectOutput
Write one command.
write(ICommand) - Method in class jtge.engine.io.XStreamOutput
Write one command.


XStreamInput - class jtge.engine.io.XStreamInput.
Implements an input implementation based on the XStream library.
XStreamInput(InputStream) - Constructor for class jtge.engine.io.XStreamInput
Create an input.
XStreamInputOutputFactory - class jtge.engine.io.XStreamInputOutputFactory.
Implements an input-output implementation factory based on the XStream library.
XStreamInputOutputFactory() - Constructor for class jtge.engine.io.XStreamInputOutputFactory
XStreamOutput - class jtge.engine.io.XStreamOutput.
Implements an output implementation based on the XStream library.
XStreamOutput(OutputStream) - Constructor for class jtge.engine.io.XStreamOutput
Create an output.


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